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Convolution Module wrapping lax.conv_general_dilated.

Conv is implemented as a wrapper over flax.linen.Conv, its constructor arguments accept almost the same arguments including any Flax artifacts such as initializers. Main differences:

  • receives features_in as a first argument since shapes must be statically known.
  • features argument is renamed to features_out.
Source code in treex/nn/
class Conv(Module):
    """Convolution Module wrapping lax.conv_general_dilated.

    `Conv` is implemented as a wrapper over `flax.linen.Conv`, its constructor
    arguments accept almost the same arguments including any Flax artifacts such as initializers.
    Main differences:

    * receives `features_in` as a first argument since shapes must be statically known.
    * `features` argument is renamed to `features_out`.

    # pytree
    kernel: tp.Optional[jnp.ndarray] = types.Parameter.node()
    bias: tp.Optional[jnp.ndarray] = types.Parameter.node()

    # props
    features_out: int
    kernel_size: tp.Union[int, tp.Iterable[int]]
    strides: tp.Optional[tp.Iterable[int]]
    padding: tp.Union[str, tp.Iterable[tp.Tuple[int, int]]]
    input_dilation: tp.Optional[tp.Iterable[int]]
    kernel_dilation: tp.Optional[tp.Iterable[int]]
    feature_group_count: int
    use_bias: bool
    dtype: flax_module.Dtype
    precision: tp.Any
    kernel_init: tp.Callable[
        [flax_module.PRNGKey, flax_module.Shape, flax_module.Dtype],
    bias_init: tp.Callable[
        [flax_module.PRNGKey, flax_module.Shape, flax_module.Dtype],

    def __init__(
        features_out: int,
        kernel_size: tp.Union[int, tp.Iterable[int]],
        strides: tp.Optional[tp.Iterable[int]] = None,
        padding: tp.Union[str, tp.Iterable[tp.Tuple[int, int]]] = "SAME",
        input_dilation: tp.Optional[tp.Iterable[int]] = None,
        kernel_dilation: tp.Optional[tp.Iterable[int]] = None,
        feature_group_count: int = 1,
        use_bias: bool = True,
        dtype: flax_module.Dtype = jnp.float32,
        param_dtype: flax_module.Dtype = jnp.float32,
        precision: tp.Any = None,
        kernel_init: tp.Callable[
            [flax_module.PRNGKey, flax_module.Shape, flax_module.Dtype],
        ] = flax_module.default_kernel_init,
        bias_init: tp.Callable[
            [flax_module.PRNGKey, flax_module.Shape, flax_module.Dtype],
        ] = flax_module.zeros,
            features_out: number of convolution filters.
            kernel_size: shape of the convolutional kernel. For 1D convolution,
                the kernel size can be passed as an integer. For all other cases, it must
                be a sequence of integers.
            strides: a sequence of `n` integers, representing the inter-window
            padding: either the string `'SAME'`, the string `'VALID'`, the string
              `'CIRCULAR'` (periodic boundary conditions), or a sequence of `n` `(low,
              high)` integer pairs that give the padding to apply before and after each
              spatial dimension.
            input_dilation: `None`, or a sequence of `n` integers, giving the
                dilation factor to apply in each spatial dimension of `inputs`.
                Convolution with input dilation `d` is equivalent to transposed
                convolution with stride `d`.
            kernel_dilation: `None`, or a sequence of `n` integers, giving the
                dilation factor to apply in each spatial dimension of the convolution
                kernel. Convolution with kernel dilation is also known as 'atrous
            feature_group_count: integer, default 1. If specified divides the input
                features into groups.
            use_bias: whether to add a bias to the output (default: True).
            dtype: the dtype of the computation (default: float32).
            param_dtype: the dtype passed to parameter initializers (default: float32).
            precision: numerical precision of the computation see `jax.lax.Precision`
                for details.
            kernel_init: initializer for the convolutional kernel.
            bias_init: initializer for the bias.

        self.features_out = features_out
        self.kernel_size = kernel_size
        self.strides = strides
        self.padding = padding
        self.input_dilation = input_dilation
        self.kernel_dilation = kernel_dilation
        self.feature_group_count = feature_group_count
        self.use_bias = use_bias
        self.dtype = dtype
        self.param_dtype = param_dtype
        self.precision = precision
        self.kernel_init = kernel_init
        self.bias_init = bias_init

        self.kernel = None
        self.bias = None

    def module(self) -> flax_module.Conv:
        return flax_module.Conv(

    def __call__(self, x: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray:
        """Applies a convolution to the inputs.

            x: input data with dimensions (batch, spatial_dims..., features).

            The convolved data.
        if self.initializing():
            variables = self.module.init({"params": next_key()}, x)

            # Extract collections
            params = variables["params"].unfreeze()

            self.kernel = params["kernel"]

            if self.use_bias:
                self.bias = params["bias"]

        assert self.kernel is not None
        params = {"kernel": self.kernel}

        if self.use_bias:
            assert self.bias is not None
            params["bias"] = self.bias

        output = self.module.apply({"params": params}, x)
        return tp.cast(jnp.ndarray, output)

__call__(self, x) special

Applies a convolution to the inputs.


Name Type Description Default
x ndarray

input data with dimensions (batch, spatial_dims..., features).



Type Description

The convolved data.

Source code in treex/nn/
def __call__(self, x: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray:
    """Applies a convolution to the inputs.

        x: input data with dimensions (batch, spatial_dims..., features).

        The convolved data.
    if self.initializing():
        variables = self.module.init({"params": next_key()}, x)

        # Extract collections
        params = variables["params"].unfreeze()

        self.kernel = params["kernel"]

        if self.use_bias:
            self.bias = params["bias"]

    assert self.kernel is not None
    params = {"kernel": self.kernel}

    if self.use_bias:
        assert self.bias is not None
        params["bias"] = self.bias

    output = self.module.apply({"params": params}, x)
    return tp.cast(jnp.ndarray, output)

__init__(self, features_out, kernel_size, *, strides=None, padding='SAME', input_dilation=None, kernel_dilation=None, feature_group_count=1, use_bias=True, dtype=<class 'jax._src.numpy.lax_numpy.float32'>, param_dtype=<class 'jax._src.numpy.lax_numpy.float32'>, precision=None, kernel_init=<function variance_scaling.<locals>.init at 0x7f8862b6a680>, bias_init=<function zeros at 0x7f8860592290>) special


Name Type Description Default
features_out int

number of convolution filters.

kernel_size Union[int, Iterable[int]]

shape of the convolutional kernel. For 1D convolution, the kernel size can be passed as an integer. For all other cases, it must be a sequence of integers.

strides Optional[Iterable[int]]

a sequence of n integers, representing the inter-window strides.

padding Union[str, Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]]

either the string 'SAME', the string 'VALID', the string 'CIRCULAR' (periodic boundary conditions), or a sequence of n (low, high) integer pairs that give the padding to apply before and after each spatial dimension.

input_dilation Optional[Iterable[int]]

None, or a sequence of n integers, giving the dilation factor to apply in each spatial dimension of inputs. Convolution with input dilation d is equivalent to transposed convolution with stride d.

kernel_dilation Optional[Iterable[int]]

None, or a sequence of n integers, giving the dilation factor to apply in each spatial dimension of the convolution kernel. Convolution with kernel dilation is also known as 'atrous convolution'.

feature_group_count int

integer, default 1. If specified divides the input features into groups.

use_bias bool

whether to add a bias to the output (default: True).

dtype Any

the dtype of the computation (default: float32).

<class 'jax._src.numpy.lax_numpy.float32'>
param_dtype Any

the dtype passed to parameter initializers (default: float32).

<class 'jax._src.numpy.lax_numpy.float32'>
precision Any

numerical precision of the computation see jax.lax.Precision for details.

kernel_init Callable[[Any, Iterable[int], Any], Any]

initializer for the convolutional kernel.

<function variance_scaling.<locals>.init at 0x7f8862b6a680>
bias_init Callable[[Any, Iterable[int], Any], Any]

initializer for the bias.

<function zeros at 0x7f8860592290>
Source code in treex/nn/
def __init__(
    features_out: int,
    kernel_size: tp.Union[int, tp.Iterable[int]],
    strides: tp.Optional[tp.Iterable[int]] = None,
    padding: tp.Union[str, tp.Iterable[tp.Tuple[int, int]]] = "SAME",
    input_dilation: tp.Optional[tp.Iterable[int]] = None,
    kernel_dilation: tp.Optional[tp.Iterable[int]] = None,
    feature_group_count: int = 1,
    use_bias: bool = True,
    dtype: flax_module.Dtype = jnp.float32,
    param_dtype: flax_module.Dtype = jnp.float32,
    precision: tp.Any = None,
    kernel_init: tp.Callable[
        [flax_module.PRNGKey, flax_module.Shape, flax_module.Dtype],
    ] = flax_module.default_kernel_init,
    bias_init: tp.Callable[
        [flax_module.PRNGKey, flax_module.Shape, flax_module.Dtype],
    ] = flax_module.zeros,
        features_out: number of convolution filters.
        kernel_size: shape of the convolutional kernel. For 1D convolution,
            the kernel size can be passed as an integer. For all other cases, it must
            be a sequence of integers.
        strides: a sequence of `n` integers, representing the inter-window
        padding: either the string `'SAME'`, the string `'VALID'`, the string
          `'CIRCULAR'` (periodic boundary conditions), or a sequence of `n` `(low,
          high)` integer pairs that give the padding to apply before and after each
          spatial dimension.
        input_dilation: `None`, or a sequence of `n` integers, giving the
            dilation factor to apply in each spatial dimension of `inputs`.
            Convolution with input dilation `d` is equivalent to transposed
            convolution with stride `d`.
        kernel_dilation: `None`, or a sequence of `n` integers, giving the
            dilation factor to apply in each spatial dimension of the convolution
            kernel. Convolution with kernel dilation is also known as 'atrous
        feature_group_count: integer, default 1. If specified divides the input
            features into groups.
        use_bias: whether to add a bias to the output (default: True).
        dtype: the dtype of the computation (default: float32).
        param_dtype: the dtype passed to parameter initializers (default: float32).
        precision: numerical precision of the computation see `jax.lax.Precision`
            for details.
        kernel_init: initializer for the convolutional kernel.
        bias_init: initializer for the bias.

    self.features_out = features_out
    self.kernel_size = kernel_size
    self.strides = strides
    self.padding = padding
    self.input_dilation = input_dilation
    self.kernel_dilation = kernel_dilation
    self.feature_group_count = feature_group_count
    self.use_bias = use_bias
    self.dtype = dtype
    self.param_dtype = param_dtype
    self.precision = precision
    self.kernel_init = kernel_init
    self.bias_init = bias_init

    self.kernel = None
    self.bias = None