Iterates over one or more stages until their iterators run out of elements.

import pypeln as pl

data = get_data()
stage = pl.thread.each(slow_fn, data, workers=6)

# execute pipeline


Name Type Description Default
stages Union[pypeln.thread.stage.Stage[~A], Iterable[~A]]

A stage/iterable or list of stages/iterables to be iterated over. If a list is passed, stages are first merged using concat before iterating.

maxsize int

The maximum number of objects the stage can hold simultaneously, if set to 0 (default) then the stage can grow unbounded.

Source code in pypeln/thread/api/
def run(*stages: tp.Union[Stage[A], tp.Iterable[A]], maxsize: int = 0) -> None:
    Iterates over one or more stages until their iterators run out of elements.

    import pypeln as pl

    data = get_data()
    stage = pl.thread.each(slow_fn, data, workers=6)

    # execute pipeline

        stages: A stage/iterable or list of stages/iterables to be iterated over. If a list is passed, stages are first merged using `concat` before iterating.
        maxsize: The maximum number of objects the stage can hold simultaneously, if set to `0` (default) then the stage can grow unbounded.


    if len(stages) == 0:
    elif len(stages) == 1:
        stage = to_iterable(stages[0], maxsize=maxsize)
        stage = concat(list(stages), maxsize=maxsize)

    for _ in stage: