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Creates a new Tree with the same structure but its values merged based on the values from the incoming Trees.

class MyTree(to.Tree):
    a: int = to.field(node=True, kind=Parameter)
    b: int = to.field(node=True, kind=BatchStat)

t1 = MyTree(x=Nothing, y=2, z=3)
t2 = MyTree(x=1, y=Nothing, z=4)

merge(t1, t2) # MyTree(x=1, y=2, z=4)

Updates are performed using the following rules:

  • For a list of equivalent leaves l1, l2, ..., ln, it returns the first non-Nothing leaf from right to left.
  • If no flatten_mode() context manager is active and flatten_mode is not given, all fields will be merged.
  • If flatten_mode="normal" is set then static fields won't be merged and the output will have the exact same static components as the first input (obj).

When using merge with multiple Trees the following equivalence holds:

merge(m1, m2, m3) = merge(m1, merge(m2, m3))

If you want to merge the current module instead of creating a new one use inplace=True. This is useful when applying transformation inside a method where reassigning self is not possible:

def double_params(self):
    # this is not doing what you expect
    self = jax.tree_map(lambda x: 2 * x, self)
Instead do this:

def double_params(self):
    doubled = jax.tree_map(lambda x: 2 * x, self)
    merge(self, doubled, inplace=True)

If inplace is True, the input obj is mutated and returned. You can only merge inplace if the input obj has a __dict__ attribute, else a TypeError is raised.

If ignore_static is True, static fields (according to the flattening mode) will be bypassed during the merge process, the final output will have the same static components as the first input (obj). This strategy is a bit less safe in general as it will flatten all trees using jax.tree_leaves instead of PyTreeDef.flatten_up_to, this skips some checks so it effectively ignores their static components, the only requirement is that the flattened struture of all trees matches.