
A dict-like object that enables access of its elements as regular fields. Dicto's main feature is delivering an elegant experience while using configuration files/objects.


You can create a Dicto from any dict:

import dicto

params = dicto.Dict({"learning_rate": 0.001, "batch_size": 32 })

optimizer = Adam(params.learning_rate)

Dicto parses through arbitrary nested structures of dicts, list, tuple, and set:

import dicto

params = dicto.Dict({
            "x": 1,
            "y": 2
            "x": 3,
            "y": 4

print(params.points[0].x) # 1

dicto can load json, yaml, and xml formats directly, for example, given this YAML file

# params.yml
learning_rate: 0.001
batch_size: 32

you can load it like this:

import dicto

params = dicto.load("params.yml")
optimizer = Adam(params.learning_rate)


pip install dicto


MIT License