Defining Fields

Tree fields are divided into two categories:

  • node fields: they are considered as part of the pytree, JAX functions such as tree_map will operate over them.
  • static fields: they are part of the PyTreeDef, JAX functions will not operate over them, but JAX is still aware of them, e.g. JAX will recompile jitted functions is case these fields change.

import treeo as to

class Person(to.Tree):
    height: float = to.field(node=True)
    name: str = to.field(node=False)

person = Person(height=1.5, name='John')

tree_map(lambda x: x + 1, person) # Person(height=2.5, name='John')
Since field is just a wrapper over dataclasses.field that adds the node and kind arguments you can use all dataclass features. However, dataclasses are orthogonal to Treeo, this means that you can naturally use non-dataclass classes:

class Person(to.Tree):
    height: float = to.field(node=True)
    name: str = to.field(node=False)

    def __init__(self, height: float, name: str):
        self.height = height = name

person = Person(height=1.5, name='John')

tree_map(lambda x: x + 1, person) # Person(height=2.5, name='John')